Upgrade Car Parking to LED Lighting
Save on your Energy Bills through FREE LED Lights Upgrade in Victoria
Fluorescent lights are commonly used in Car Parking basement which results in gloomy environment, flickering and poor visibility issues. Whole lighting set up in the Car Parking basement is expensive, and upgradation costs of replacing old florescent lights can be high enough also. Moreover, the risk factor for air- toxification is evident due to mercury-based material used in the lights, and emissions of UV rays can cause unhealthy environment, as lights under the ground are operated 24 hours a day, for 7 days a week. GTA is, trough the VEU Program, rendering its services to make industries eligible to upgrade their old inefficient lighting with LED lights at free of cost.
How can LED Lighting help Undercover Car Parks?
Upgrading to LED lights:
- Guarantees lighting bills reductions of up to 60%
- Support green initiatives by reducing carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions.
- Lowers maintenance costs by providing a life expectancy of 15+ years.
- Ensures an environment free from harmful UV emissions and materials such as Mercury.
- Provides healthier living environment through adequate lighting.
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